This fall we’ve had our most anticipated retreat at Niagara-on-the-Lake!! Not only full of new ideas and projects to be discussed, but with the perk of wine tasting at the Two Sisters Vineyards. Also, the perfect way to welcome our new members Yusuke, Sumin and Anna.
Summer in Toronto is always one of the best times, but it gets even better when we get reviews accepted! Congratulations Dheva Setiaputra for the amazing job! This has also been a season where we had to say farewell to our colleague Inés Paniagua, who will be missed for her contributions and hard work, but we wish her all the best on her new endeavour in Amsterdam. We also welcome Dave Gallo, who has just joined us and has already started on several interesting experiments!
Read MoreHello everyone! We have been negligent and have not updated the website in a while. 2016 and the beginning of 2017 have seen a lot of turnover in the lab. We were sad to see Cristina, Marcus and Sylvie leave (all for good reasons!) but we are excited to welcome Théo, Karine, Dheva & Alejandro (postdocs) as well as Michele and Tiffany (grad students). We have just welcomed Lisa, a visiting student from Tübingen for a ~6-month stay.
We will try to keep the website updated – one page that really needs to be refreshed is the Research page: our interests keep evolving and this page is frankly a little outdated.
We’ve also added a “Preprint” section in our publication page. We foresee posting nearly all of our manuscripts prior to publication so keep an eye on this one!
Read MoreThe end of 2015 was pretty eventful with the publication of the mechanism by which cells suppress HR in G1 cells. A couple of other papers were accepted late in December so watch this space for updates in early 2016!
The end of 2015 also marked the departure of Alex Orthwein – Alex is leaving to set-up his own group at the Lady Davis Institute / McGill University in Montreal. You can check out his website and learn more about his plans.
While we are sad to see him go, we look forward to continue working with him on a few projects. Also, as one departs, another person often comes in. In early January, we will welcome Tim Ng as a new graduate student in the lab. Tim will also work on the cell cycle regulation of DNA double-strand break repair. We will put his mug shot on the website in early January.
Finally, I would like to wish everyone a happy and healthy 2016 filled with happiness and love.
Read MoreCongrats to Alex and Sylvie for their new paper entitled: A mechanism for the suppression of homologous recombination in G1 cells
The work was a big effort that involved many in the lab but also valued collaborators from the labs of Matthias Peter (ETH Zurich), Graham Dellaire (Dalhousie) and Bing Xia (Rutgers). I hope you enjoy!
Also, Jovana Drinjakovic wrote a summary on some of the potential implications of this work on gene editing here.
Read MoreThis is another overdue update! In terms of news, we were sad to have a few members of the lab leave in the past few months. However, I was particularly excited to see Amélie start her own group in Québec City. You can visit her lab website here . Another member of the lab is currently negotiating offers to start a lab so follow this page to get updates in the near future!
The Durocher lab family has expanded significantly this year with the birth of 3 babies from current or past lab members! Those were wonderful news to all and congrats to the proud parents!
Salomé Adam has recently joined us from Paris where she did a Ph.D. in the labs of Geneviève Almouzni and Sophie Polo. Nathalie Moatti is also re-joining us after a couple of years travelling the world and working in the lab of Jacqueline Jacobs at the NKI. Welcome to both of you!
Finally, we have a few exciting papers accepted recently so watch the Publications page update in a few weeks!
Read MoreAfter a long delay, I have finally learned to update the website and it is now nearly up-to-date. You will notice a few things:
1) After years of wonderful work in the lab, Marella has moved to the sunnier climes of Texas with her husband Mike Latham who has a faculty position at Texas Tech.
2) Marie-Claude has made the jump from bench work to science funding. She is working for Mitacs, an organization that builds partnerships between academia and industry.
3) We have new arrivals! Nicole Hustedt is a new postdoc who joins us from the FMI in Basel. Nicole worked under the supervision of Susan Gasser on checkpoint signaling in yeast. We also welcomed (a while back!) Michal Zimmermann, a postdoc who trained with Titia de Lange at Rockefeller University (NYC) and Ctirad Hofr at Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic). Finally, Andrea McEwan joins us as a Research Technician. Andrea recently moved to Toronto from Vancouver where she completed her M.Sc.
4) We have two summer students this year: Alexandra Hohnen who is studying in Nijmegen in the Netherlands and Mike Ostrovski who is studying at U of T.
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